Saturday, January 28, 2012

unit one thesis

Review on Unit 1
English 1101

  The virtual world is important. It’s the new way of life. The virtual world has changed history in many ways. It has given us the tools to get information quickly. I would rather read and research something online than out of a book in the library. And I always have enjoyed running into hyperlinks, pictures and videos about the subject I’m reaching online. Online can give lots more information at a faster pace.
  After reading this unit, I have noticed how often I’m using the virtual world. I am definitely a Cyborg. We are always carrying our I phones, laptops, any kind of device that keeps us connected with the virtual world. I have noticed the amount of time my children use the virtual world. In my opinion, it is good to encourage your child to be Cyborgs. If you don't they will fall behind in technology. Technology is a big part of our life today. I do encourage them to read books, but, I also know when they are on the the computer, texting, or playing games online. There reading also.  I found this link that humored me. It relates for the most part to this assignment  
  I had a funny experience the other day when I went into the writing lab. I was waiting for the tutor to finish helping an older gentleman. He was about 70. He couldn't figure how to use the computer. He said it looked like a typewriter (which I vaguely remember) and he didn't know how to space the words. The tutor simply said hit the space bar. He had no clue what that was. I held in a smile because the reason I went to the writing lab was for help on how the virtual world is changing us. This was just a perfect example of how its taking over. I wonder if people sometimes are against the virtual world because its so challenging? 
  Some people think that the virtual world has effected the 1980 “virtual generation” in a negative way saying it causes ADD/ADHD, and in Andrew Lambs essay he says, “Troubling consequences of devoting to much attention to the virtual world is the death of empathy,”  After reading unit one, it put me on the defense. Not just because I am in this generation, but because I know that it has changed people in many positive ways. Like I stated before, I believe ADD/ADHD, for the most part, is caused from the lack of attention the parent gives the child. If the parent is so obsessed with gaming or cooking, its the parents fault not the virtual world.  As for andrew Lams essay, the death of empathy is cause from society. 
  I am so happy I’m a cyborg because, I love staying in touch with the virtual world. I advertise on it, share photos, research everything, and I don't remember the last time i used a dictionary. One of my favorite features is spell check. And you cant forget Facebook! My kids use electronics all the time. In my 8 year olds’ class at school he takes test online everyday. They also play games and learn with learning games on the internet.  The virtual world is “The new way of life.” 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My thoughts on Kris review.

 Kris review on Turkle and Gopnik
English 1101/natalie
 I really  like the way Kris writes his paper. I like how he said, “it filled me with joy to read Gopnik’s stand point on Turkles argument it is flawed.” I agree. I like the how he referenced the page numbers.  I also like how he said, “digital media is a new tool used to make an original product.”  I agree with Kris when he said the positive affects of digital media out way any negative ones. I personally stay more in touch with friends and family with tex or internet then without it. It does consume todays generation but, it matters how you use it. I could spend hours on gaming or I could limit myself. It matters what your priorities are. I enjoyed Kris’s reply to Turkle and Gopniks thoughts.
Kris Passmore
Tyler Chadwick
English 1101
My response toward Turkle’s writing was that it read like another monotonous lecture, written by an upset person who quivers in fear at the inevitable generational change. Following Turkle’s segment, it filled me with joy to read that Gopnik’s stand point is that Turkle’s argument is flawed, one-sided, contradictory, and over-exaggerated. “Turkle and her interviewees sometimes seem to treat minor variations on human nature like threatening psychological revolutions (42).” Gopnik believes that Turkle views the digital age with entirely too much pessimism. The positive affects of digital media out way any negative ones.
Gopnik also illustrates that generational gaps are not new concepts. The youths of today, like every generation, have simply developed a new means to an old end. “But, at least since writing began, perhaps even since language itself began, human beings have conducted their most intimate lives through abstract, digital symbols (42-43).” The media in which people convey their output is ever changing. However, it is human nature to express oneself, regardless of which medium we choose. Digital media is a new tool used to make an original product.      

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Written vs Visual essay

Written vs Visual essay
english 1101
  When you read a picture essay it is more open to your own interpretation. A written essay that is word for word is already someone else's view. When I read a visual essay I interpret my own meaning. Like on page 15 there is a picture of a house that has “Destroy this memory” written on it in spray paint. They gave some information about this photo. This photo was a picture of a house form the aftermath of Katrina in New Orleans. But after looking at this photo and knowing this information about it I still wonder what happened to the family.  I wonder if they were one of the families that fled to the roof to be saved.  I heard a great quote that relates to this subject “A world shown is a different world told.”

Making connections

Making connections
  In my opinion Alison Gophiks review is a review solely based on her opinion. The book “Along Together” is a opinion based book. There isn't much hard evidence backing “Along Together.” The only so called hard evidence was the surveys that Turkl took and that was only a small amount of people. And who knows how she worded the surveys. So I think this book as well as Alison‘s review are opinion based and not factual.  Alison implies that this book doesn't have hard evidence.  She does agree with Turkl about, “the tether selfs” term tho. Example of the meaning “tethered self,” if you go to a coffee shop people are not communicating to each other face to face but,  on there cell phone or computers. They are communicating with the virtual world. In Turkl book she also talked about cyborgs.  I see that we are all cyborgs now holding our i phone, always connected with the virtual world. I do talk to friends over Facebook more than if i were to call them.  I do spend a lot of time texting my friends. So I also agree on the “tether self” term because i do it my self! But for the overall reading it made me not want to read the book “Along Together.”

Monday, January 23, 2012

Katherine Hayles

People that are born in the 1980’s and on are known as the, “virtual generations.” In this time frame more and more kids are being diagnosed with a disease called ADHD and ADD. ADHD is Attention Defecate hyperactive Disorder. ADD is Attention Defecate Disorder the symptoms of these disorders come in many forms. It might manifest itself in undue passivity or inattentiveness, or uncontrollable aggressive hyperactivity. 
 I  disagree that ADHD and ADD is caused by the virtual world. They are claiming that this generation watches or uses so much T.V.  cell phones, and computers, that our attention span is decreasing. I say in some ways yes it does. I would rather  google something than look it up in the phonebook or dictionary. I would rather scan a short story than read a detailed book.  It definitely helps things go much faster.
 In my opinion the majority of the cases of  A.D.D and A.D.H.D is just a way for parents to blame the child's bad behavior/ lack of attention on a disease,  than from there lack of parenting. Rather than being an attentive parent and giving your child the attention, time, love, and training they need. Its so much easier to give a child a medication that will calm them down (zombie-fry) them. Than to just sit down with them and ask, whats going on in there life. 
I also know that there are some kids who really have ADHD caused from a  chemical in-balance but, a small amount. They over diagnose this disease. The majority of kids that get diagnosed with ADD or ADHD are over medicate.  This disease is a great way for the government and pharmaceutical companies make a pretty penny! 
So yes, I disagree that ADHD and ADD is caused by the virtual world ,but by the lack of attention, how you were raised, and events that have happened in your life.

Post to Screen

Post to Screen

 The screen has influenced composition of pages because image is a way to  interpret different notions that complies an idea. It can be conveyed with just a single image rather than using only writing. Image has coexisted with writing as a course of speech. At first image co existed with writing and now writing co-exists with image.  Writing has detail about one issue.  Kress said  “logic its a collation of worksheet organized around the issue of the circular.” Books of now are not necessarily books of then. Kress sums it up best for me by saying “The world told is a different world to the world shown.” 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

hyper and deep attention response to a post

Summary of “hyper and deep attention: the generational divide in cognitive modes”

Katherines piece was about deep attention and hyper attention, how they differed and how media has rewired our “M” generations brains. She explains that deep attention has a higher tolerance for long focus times and is great for solving complex problems and not so good for environmental alertness and flexibility of response. She Then goes on to say that Hyper attention has a high level of stimulation and a low tolerance of boredom. Hyper attention negotiates rapid changing environment and is not so good with complex problem solving and focusing on non-interactive objects.
She mostly focuses on Hyper attention and how children from 8-18 have been raised on more time in front of TV’s, computers, video games, MP3’s and other forms of digital devices. She also questions the superiority of deep attention to hyperattention. They both seem to have their benifits and short comings.  She also correlates ADHD and hyper attention. She states that their are more diagnosed cases now than ever, but could that just be from the fact that we are becoming more aware of it now or that hyper attention is causing ADHD? She mentions that kids are taking ridolen before cramming for tests saying that it helps them to focus better and that kids are being mis diagnosed and treated possibly from pressure from parents because it helps their kids focus and do better in school.
I really enjoyed this writing and took a lot from it. Great read 

I agree with you on how children 8-18 have been raised on more time in front of the TV, computer, video games and such. I also agree with you how Katherine states more and more cases are being diagnosed now than before.  I think it is that people are becoming more aware of ADHD and also it think its becoming so common that its the easy answer for parents. A faster way of getting to the bottom of a problem.
Great job.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Virtual world is the death of empathy!

Virtual world is the death of empathy!

English 1101

The one statement that stuck out of Andrew Lams essay that I would like to analysis is "troubling consequences of devoting so much attention to the virtual world is the death of empathy".  Even tho this is the quote for the example question, it honestly stuck out to me.  I don't believe that the reason people record horrific events such as "how the student filmed the collaspsing buildings from the earthquake in Sichuan, China", or, "how the prison guard recorded the death of Suddam Hussein", were because they devoted too much time to the virtual world.  I believe they do this to become famous or to get rich and profit from selling the video they recorded.  It is about money and making something of themselves.  In my opinion, it is society that encourages this behavior not excessive time in the virtual world.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

6 word memoir

english 1101

                   I'll Be
          I am
i was

This six word memoir can be implied in many different ways. It can be interpreted differently by each person. For instance, I was a stay at home mom; I am a student; I will be a graduate. Or, someone could look at it as, I was unknown; I am myself; I will be loved. Or, I was sad; I am depressed; I will be happy.  It can be interpreted positively or negatively. If I were to change one word it would be "will" to "won't".  For example I was sad; I am depressed; I won't be happy.  This would put a negative effect in this story. Now It would make this story the opposite of what I want to portray. Changing one word can make a huge difference.

I was; I am; I’ll be.  This story relates to me because I feel I am stepping up in life.  I feel I am bettering my life by going to school and getting a job in the field I would like to work in. By doing this I will be achieving my goals step by step. This is why I designed the words as steps.  I was on the bottom step with no job or schooling.  I am a student and my children are in school so I am taking the opportunity to return to school.  I’ll be a graduate standing on the top of my step ready to support my family and have a future. As I reflect on my life through this story, it definitely makes me look at the steps I have taken. I am happy where I am.  I am looking forward to climbing the staircase of my future as I am trying to better my life step by step.