Natalie Beech
English 1101
Final thoughts on class
The first thing that I learned in English 1101 us that you don't have to raise your hand to go to the bathroom. This was my very first semester back to school since I was in High School ten years ago. I learned that you need to turn in all your assignments on time and if you do this you will receive full credit. I learned many things but one that Tyler mad very clear is that if you have any questions come and talk with him and he will help resolve the problem. Rather than to drop a class. So it taught me to communicate with your professors. We learned the correct usage of grammar in the class. English is a hard language and every little grammar rule helps me write better. I learned a few tricks. I know that I am not good at writing and am horrible at grammar/ spelling. Haha but I have learned some correct rules about writing.
Blogging was one of the most interesting things that we got to do. It was fun and interesting to read the rest of the classes thoughts on there blog. It is interesting to see how different people read the same thing but get different meanings out of if. I learned how to wright my thoughts on on my classmates articles. The reviews were helpful in telling you what you are doing right and what you need to work on. I had never blogged before. In my profession that I am going to school for I will use blogging often.
The MLA citation was interesting to learn I didn’t know what citation was. Thats embarrassing to say. But knowing how to citation is going to be helpful for the rest of my collage career. Out of the english book reading culture I found out what a six word memoir is. I choose for mine I Am, I Was, I Will Be.
We leaned about what a picture essay versus what a written essay is. Reading about the virtual generation was most interesting to me. I it was great having the chance to write my opinion on my blog. I had quite an opinion abut the Quote, “virtual reality is the death of empathy.” Because I don't believe that it is virtual realties fault I think that it is the lack of parent involvement. I also don't agree how they dose the kids with medicine because of there ADHD. I think that it is also for the most part lack of parental involvement. And I got to share my opinion on my blog.
The Dungeons and Dragons game was very interesting to learn. I never knew it was a game. Thought it is different. Probably wont ever play it. My favorite subject that we studied was images. I wrote my final on this subject. I liked looking at the photo’s and tearing them apart to determine what they mean.
I really appreciated this class. I have learned a lot form this class and I can use the skill that I learned rest of my collage career and on. I enjoyed getting to know everyone in the class. It was a very fun and informative class.
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