Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dead Space

Dead Space
English 1101
Natalie Beech
   In Mary Williams essay on Dead Space there are 2 specific statements she makes. She says that using the “your Mom will hate it”  market tactic to market the product sales. I honestly agree and disagree. You can say “Your mom will hate it” and a 13 year old will see that and think its cool just because its something your mom will disapprove of. But tell me who will pay for this? The 13 year old is going to have to ask his parents for money and most parents will ask what for? He than show them the cover of the game that says, “Your mom will hate it!” I personally would say, no. Just because of the saying on the front. Now on the other hand, this could go over good with kids with jobs who have the money to pay for this and are really good at hiding this sort of game from the parents. I remember my brother always hid bad movies from my parents in old movie cases. That is something kids do. So even tho the game says, “ your mom will hate it” the price is still expensive they will get it. So i don't know if that sales tacit is the best. It defiantly eliminates a whole grout who would buy it. 
  The second statement she makes is that,”40% of the gaming community is women.” Which is hard to believe. But that is the age of mother who's kids are older and most likely  be involved in video games.  I do wonder tho how they preformed this study. Because even if it is 40% I’m sure most woman are not playing violent games they are probably playing girly games. So I don't think she has any evidence that can back up 40% on the subject “Dead Space.”

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