Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dungeons and Dragons Exploratory writing

English 1101
Natalie Beech
  In the new era even true gamers that are still playing the sophisticated altered games such as Dungeons and Dragons are still returning back to the original version games. The ones that are not on a computer with  sweet graphics. Just ones off the grid. I sure one reason why they go back to the original game is because it better. Just like moves. You know the original is going to be better than # 2. Another reason why people prefer the first original D&D game is you have to use more of your imagination. You don't have a computer in front of you creating an image for you. In the version with paper that remains off the grid, its your imagination that is in control. Parents want there kids to play the original because they have fond memories of it. They remember it helping them socialize and be confident. Your also playing with people face to face rather than over the computer. I personally have never played but I think it is a great way for people to work on there improv and story telling skills, but mostly using there imagination.

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