Monday, April 2, 2012

Final Project Proposal

Final Project Proposal and reading list
Natalie Beech
English 1101

Exploring my topic

  The topic that I choose for my final project is Images and advertising. I am really interested in this field because it goes along with what degree I want. I am going to school to graduate with an arts degree in Mass Communications and an emphasis in public relations. I will be advertising and putting on events for corporations. So the more that I know about the correct and many different ways of advertising the better. I am really interested in the detail in advertising and the reasoning of the model poses and looking at the camera. I have done all of the writing assignments in the cheaper “Images” but one. So in my reading list the boxing one will be in there. 
  I also want to learn about all the different kind of ads there are and how some are better than others. Like how sex sales more. I want to find out why. Also I want to find out how to target your certain audience/ reader. And the different types of poses for each ad. Like we did in class. How we talked about all of the different images on the ads.
  Like I said I’m very interested in this kind of topic. And I’m excited to learn a lot more in this field.
I choose option “C” a 1500 to 2000 word essay in which you explore a topic of your own  that is based on one of the topics in Reading Culture. I really enjoyed  learning about the meaning of the objects in the photo. For instance,  if there is a mirror in the photo than the ad can be called vain. Or the way that the model is looking away form the camera starring  off this could mean that she is dreaming about her true love. I want to learn about all the different types of image advertising and how to aim it to the correct audience.
Advertising is a multibillion dollar business. And I find it very interesting how to advertise correctly through image. Finding the correct a that works with the product is hard to do. My favorite ads are the ones that relates to the product and the consumer. And the kind of ad that is short and to the point. I enjoy looking at ads that make since. I don't like the ads that make no sense at all. People in these times don't have time to google the product to see what it is that is the ad’s job.
#3 Reading List
Woman Boxers 
The New Worriers
Do the exploratory essay
Read an essay on different types of advertising 
write a summery of what I learned
Read an essay on how to pose models for an ad and the meaning of different types of poses.
Write a summery of what I read.
Read an essay on how to make effective ads that are short and to the point but connect with the audience. 
Make an ad of my own that is short to the point but connects with the audience and the product.

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