Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What poses mean

English 1101
Natalie Beech
Different meaning of poses   
Bruce barton was a North America for BBDO agency in New York. He discovered the iconic American artist Norman Rockwell and work on United War Work campaigns. Bruce became the legendary advertising executive who helped develop the image of General Motors in the 1920. He said, “ the roll of advertising is to help corporations to find their soul.” I like this quote because in my opinion it defines a way to create an image for your target audience. When you create a image ad the way you pose your model is very important. By showing different body parts of people (apart from faces) consumers maybe identify themselves more easily with an advertisement and are more likely to be influenced by the image. 
  Hands for instance can transfer meanings six were predominate: communication, connection, protection, intimacy, identification and status.
her self at the camera. 
-Hands in communication ads targets more of the corporate business world. If an ad shows to people shaking hands it insinuates a business deal.
-Hands in protection this is when a model covers something to protect it, like covering body parts or a small child.

-Hands in connection is used for many things but a great way to explain this ad is by using the Nokia’s phones screen as an example on all the phones have the image of two hands reaching for one another. This means connection. 
-Hands as intimacy in ads is when touching different bodies this contact can mean different emotions sexually, friendship, security. 
-Hands as identification in ads can be used in many different ways by telling someones age, if they have worked in hard labored jobs, color, sex, scares. This identification helps direct the ad to the target consumer.
-Hands as status in ads jewelry ads use this a lot by wearing your wedding ring on a cretin finger, or 
 John Berger (1972)  said, “seeing comes before words and it never quite covered by them.”  There are so many images in our daily life so when designing an ad it is important to target the right audience.
Pohmann,mali, and Markus. The symbolic meaning of body parts in Images: The Case of Hands In Advertisement, Advance in consumer research- European Conference Proceeding: 2006, Vol.7, p352-359, 8p
Berger, John (1972), Ways of Seeing, reprint edition, January 1995, London, UK:Penguin

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