Sunday, March 25, 2012

Review for Giovanni Exploratory writing

Natalie Beech
English 1101
“On the Edge of Comfort”
The Giovanni uses the Wolf to help her explain the role of storytelling in people lives. I think she uses the Wolf as “something to demonize,” but the Wolf/dog has always been there with us. Like what she writes, “just a campfire next to the covered wagon carrying food supplies while the cowboys slept on the cold hard ground that the creature offered warmth and became our friend.” The Wolf has been with us a very long time and has been in so many of our stories and sat next to the fire while they are being told. She also uses that she feel bad for the Wolf. That it has endured so much of what we have and yet we treat them so bad. We all need someone to blame and the Wolf has been something we can blame, but the Wolf has always been there for us and with us. She later writes on that “Quilt across our knees. Check. Glass of Wine. Check. Munchies. Check. Dog at our feet. Check. Short Stories. Check. This is good.” This really ties with what she is trying to say about the Wolf. That he is always there. Always listening to the stories and at our feet.

  I choose Joshua’s writing on Giovanni’s “On the Edge of Comfort” because I like how he explains how she uses the wolf as something to Demonize. I agree. Like how the wolf in almost every story is a bad wolf who blows down little pigs houses, or how the wolf eats grandmas and stocks little girls with cookies. But I also like how Joshua points out how the dog/wolf is always been there with us. Dogs are supposedly mans best friend. Joshua points this out in his writing by quoting Giovanni’s writing when she said, “She later writes on that Quilt across our knees. Check. Glass of Wine. Check. Munchies. Check. Dog at our feet. Check. Short Stories. Check. This is good.” This really ties with what she is trying to say about the Wolf. That he is always there. Always listening to the stories and at our feet.” Because dog are mans best friend. I think that wolfs would be like our pet dogs too if they were raised the way we raise our dogs. I liked Joshua’s writing how he said, “just a campfire next to the covered wagon carrying food supplies while the cowboys slept on the cold hard ground that the creature offered warmth and became our friend.” That proves that wolfs can be mans best fiend I still think that people demonized the wolf just because of the werewolf stories that are scary and mysterious.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Social net work calls him an asshole makes him a billionaire

The Social Network  Roger Ebert 
Natalie Beech 
English 1101  
  In Roger Ebert review of the “Social Network” movie he says,” the Social Network move is a great film not because of its dazzling style or visual cleverness, but because of it splendidly well-made. Despite the baffling complications of computer programming, web strategy and big finance” earlier in the review Roger says it is said to be impossible to make a movie about a writer, because how can you show him only writing? It must also be impossible to make above about a computer programmer because what is programming but writing in a language few people int the audience know? I never thought of this before. But it is true. Writing a movie based on a person who is writing a story you would have to go into the story not the writer. I think that the move Social Network did a great job going in detail about the computer programmer. I enjoyed the movie myself. 
  Having big names also helped the movie like, Justin Temverlake and a Victoria secret model and more. It makes me think of the charters from the movie when I’m on Facebook I don't think that I even know what the real Mark Zuckerber looks like. 
 In Rogers review I like how he explains himself going in to the movie and pre judging the fact that it is known to be impossible for a movie to have good reviews  when it is based on a computer programer. But than at the end of the review he  enjoyed it and he gave a good review.  You can tell why Roger Ebert is good at reviewing movies because of the way he allowed the movie to change his mind. He wasn't stubborn and set in his ways saying it is bad just because of the well know fact that it wouldn't be good because of what it was based on. He actually let the move take charge of his own opinion. 

Amateur Family review

Joshua Nicholls
English 1101
Chabon Exploratory Writing Assignment
“Amateur Family”
            “Fanboy gets tossed around a lot these days, but two of my children are female, and fanchild is not a word, and the term was originally coined to describe and deprecate a kind of mindless, by-the-greasy-handful consumption of popular culture, uncritical, automatic halfway to zombie.” This is one of the reasons why the term fan doesn’t work for what Chabon wants to get across about the concept of amateurism for fandom. He writes that he doesn’t think there is a perfect word for the kind of people he has raised his children to be. He does however go on to say that “amateur” is a word he could possibly use to describe him and his family. I think he gains a lot by use amateurism. If he just said him and his family was amateur I might think differently about it. Then the way he explains it, that fan is based around and used a lot with ESPN and sports pages. When you think about it that way fan doesn’t really fit his nerd family. When he explains amateurism I think he gains a lot. If he would have used fan he think he would have a lost a lot of respect. 

Amateur Family review
Natalie Beech 
English 1101   
  I choose Joshua’s because it is the complete opposite of what I said. He said, “He does however go on to say that “amateur” is a word he could possibly use to describe him and his family. I think he gains a lot by use amateurism.” But I disagree because I said amateur is related more to sports and fan in my opinion is related to anything that someone enjoys to collect or follow. With the word amateur it is related to money in my opinion.
  Another part of his writing that caught my attention is when Joshua said, “When you think about it that way fan doesn’t really fit his nerd family. I can see  what Josh is saying that Fan is more sports related but I think that amateur is more sports related. In Michaels writing it is difficult to decide if “fan” or “amateur” is better to use. I think neither of them are the correct word to use. I think that they have so many  different people relate these words  to different meanings that it doesn't define this essay at all.

Amateur Family

Amateur Family
Natalie Beech
English 1101
  In  Michael Chabon’s essay he says that he reject the term fan in favor of amateur. I think that Michael used the wrong word for this story. In Michaels story he say’s, “Fanboy gets tossed around a lot these days, but two of my children are female, and fan child is not a word.” I think that Michael doesn't like this word because of this reason. I bet if he had all boys this wouldn’t have came to his mind. 
  The definition of amateur is a person who engages in a study, sport, or other activity for pleasure rather than for financial benefit or professional reasons.  And the word “fandom” is a term used to refer to a subculture composed of fans characterized by a feeling of sympathy and camaraderie with others who share a common interest. A fandom can grow up centered around any area of human interest or activity. 
  Now knowing the definitions of these words I think amateur is the wrong word to use. When I hear amateur I think of sports. Like professional skater or pro snowboarders, and than amateur skaters and amateur snowboarders. I my mind I see this word used for sports rather than a love for a hobby like this story. I know a lot of professional skateboarder that skate for the love not the money oviously because they get paid crap. A lot of amateur skaters are skating for love also. 
  I think that the word amateur means to not get paid and the word professional means to get paid. Its all about money with this word. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

On the Edge

On the Edge
Natalie Beech
English 1101
  When I read Giovannis  “On the edge” writing I notice how she asked, “why the wolf in most stories is demonized?”
  I think that in most stories especially Disney ones there is a charter that is demonized. For instance,  the Little Mermaid  the Octopus and the eel were the charters that were demonized in that story. Another kind of charter that seems to be demonized a lot is Kings and Queens helpers. the wolf in Little Red Ridding Hood, or The Three Pigs, and even Pinochio. But why the wolf? I wonder if this is because of the legend of werewolf's. When you add struggle and fear to a story it gets me “On the Edge” of my comfort. 
  I enjoy mystery stories especially stories that are based off of a real events. It makes you think a lot. Most of the mystery stories have a demonized charter in them and I enjoy guessing who it is. My favorite book was a book based on a true event. The book was called “A Child Called It.” This book was about a child that was brutally abused by his mother, I think this book for me made me realize that not all kids have a wonderful home. I am a clown so when I do birthday parties or make a simple balloon animal for a child I try to make it the best time that they have ever had. Because I don’t know what their home life is like. All that I know is that if I can make them laugh and smile for a minute that I’m happy with that.  
  Happy stories are nice also, but I still seems like every happy story has a demonized charter. I think it just adds to the story. Starts out good, than goes bad, than someone saves the story. This story line is in super hero stories also. Almost every great movie that is written from a book almost aways has a demonized person or animal in it. In my opinion it gives you a sense of wonder and fear and it attracts readers.

Monday, March 19, 2012

unit 4 student responce


Jeff J. Beck
English 1101
Unit Four Thesis
Unit Four
            There was a lot that we went over in unit four but I think that we learned a lot and me for one look at advertisements and images in a whole new way.  We talked about things from long ago and what art is, to who is hot, who is not, and how sex sells.  Most of the point in this was to get use looking at images in a different light and to make us more educated.
            When we focus on unit four we have to focus on what is not just in the picture but what it is telling us.  For instance before I read this unit I would look at a picture and just not really think about it.  I now look at an image and instead of just looking at it and doing what society does or thinks, I take a step back and actually look at it from a couple different points.  Not only where the images informative, but I can now look at writing as something much more than just letters in a computer, on a piece of paper, or in a text.
            This to me makes me even look at how something is written as more of an image, you talked to us about how writing is just simply writing but is an image in its self, and until now I kind of understood it but now I really get what you are saying. This unit was very eye opening and in many ways not just in imagery but also in ways of how we look at a person.  This section from unit four was not only a part about how we look at individuals, but it made me look at it as an image but something more.  This unit makes you understand images that appear in art, advertisement, pictures, and also in writing, if you actually paid attention to it all.

natalie Beech 
english 1101
  I choose Jeff’s because I think we had a lot of the same ideas. Unit 4 was how the spectator looked at the art and how we interpreted it. I completely agree with Jeff when he said, “before I read this unit I would look at a picture and just not really think about it.  I now look at an image and instead of just looking at it and doing what society does or thinks, I take a step back and actually look at it from a couple different points. I do that now and I don’t even mean to I see a pic of art and I also start examining it. 
  Another point that Jeff made that I agreed with was when he said, “This unit was very eye opening and in many ways not just in imagery but also in ways of how we look at a person.  This section from unit four was not only a part about how we look at individuals, but it made me look at it as an image but something more. 
  You can judge a person just buy looking and I think that is what Jeff is saying instead of getting to know the person, people just look and jude. Just like art. If you look at a art piece and have no knowledge of art you would maybe look at it completely different than someone with a art major. 

Unit 4

Unit 4 
Natalie Beech
English 1101
  In unit four they taught us about images and advertising. I think images are a huge importance to the advertising world. Images can sell there product with sex, using important people, humor and more. But, I think the big one is sex. It seems like every product has at least one sex ad for their campaign. Berger says the person who views the ad is mostly men. I think that this is true only for certain ads. Woman view woman's ads all the time. I think the person who views the ad perceives a different message. Just like in class how the guys saw a woman on an ad and said she looked seductive and kelly ad I said it looked like a woman looking at us. I think ads should be short  and to the point, a clear message, and relatable. In unit for they were talking about a little boy who was watching T.V. and a vitamin clown jumped out on the commercial and scared the boy. I my opinion that was not a good and successful ad. So many people are scared of clowns. That commercial is definitely not relatable to a large group of people. 
  In unit four I would have to say I agreed with Lambert’s writing more than Berger’s because in Berger’s essay it seems that he was sexiest. Lambert’s essay said that both woman and men view the same ads it is just how the viewer interoperates that ad. 
  All the interesting facts that we learned about the ads were very informative for instance, in Berger’s essay he explains how if the model is looking away rather then at the man the model is looking or imaging here true love (page 197). Also, that if there is a mirror in the ad or picture it than can be called “vain.”
  I didn't look at ads or painting like I do now after this unit. Before I just saw a painting/ ad and now when I look at  it I understand it a little more. It was very interesting and kept my attention. 

Social Networking (midterm Re-Due)

Natalie Beech
English 1101
Social Networking

Social Networking is the subject that interested me the most out of units one, two, and three.  Social networking in our generation is the new way of life.  It is a way to build friendships, businesses, advertising, entertainment, news, reach out to new areas of ideas, and anything else you might want to google.  I find it fascinating also because I am a very social person.
The earliest social networking website started in the form of generalized online communication such as the WELL (1985), (1994), Geocites (1994), and the (1995.  These sights brought people together to interact with each other through chat rooms.  They share personal information and ideas around topics via personal homepage publishing tools which was a precursor to the blogging phenomenon. This was a much slower process compared to today's network as you can imagine.
After Friendster was released in 2002, some eUniverse employees came together and decided to copy the more popular features of the website.  The first version of MySpace was ready for launch ten days after they decided to do this.  The MySpace start-up team had everything under control when they first launched.  The MySpace project was overseen by Brad Greenspan, who was eUniverse’s founder and CEO. He managed Chris De Wolfe, who was MySpace’s managing CEO, Josh Berman, Tom Anderson, who was president, and a team of programmers provided by eUniverse.
Myspace was launched in 2004 within the college community by a student named Brad Greenspan.  This became a phenomenon among the college students and exploded into the next phase of social networking into the non US college community.  I found MySpace was very fun.  Myspace was actually started by eUniverse holding a contest for the most people that one website could sign up.  It succeeded and one of the managing CEO's of Myspace Chris DeWolf wanted to start charging for the use of the network.  Brad Greenspan was adamant about not charging which lead to the very success it is today.  It sold for over 500 million dollars after Fox purchased it. MySpace nowadays is a social networking website.  People sign up for an account and create their own personal profile.  There is a user-submitted network of friends, blogs, photographs, music, and videos.  Its main audience is teenagers and young adults.  By 2005 MySpace became the largest social network developed. 
When Facebook started, that was the absolute best communication site on the internet in my opinion. Even my mother could use it. It was easy to manipulate, no charge, you could talk with friends, play games, and visit on chat at the same time.  This has become my favorite online when I am on the computer.  It is the definition of Social Networking.  Facebook was founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts by Mark Zuckerberg, Edwardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes.  It serves the world wide.  The revenue is US $3.71 billion dollars as of 2011.  There are over 845 million active Facebook accounts.  41% of the USA has a Facebook account.  
Facebook serves purposes that were probably never expected.  Such as my sister in law found her half brother on Facebook.  They met up for the first time.  It was a very nice reunion.  My mother found her long lost friend she hadn't seen for years because they both had a Facebook account. They now write to each other on a regular basis.
My husband and I recently held an event for skateboarding.  The event was to help raise money for a skateboarder who had unfortunately been in an accident taking his life. The time we had to raise this money was very limited and we needed to find a way to expedite the circulation of information. We called the newspaper to ask them to run an article on the event.  They said they had already read about it on Facebook and would be happy to interview us for the promotion.  We raised money to help pay for the skateboarding ledge in his name.  We were able to reach individuals throughout Idaho at a minimal cost, a massive cloak of invitations, and more than a dozen businesses gave donations for the auctions.  It was highly successful only because we were able to use Facebook as a communication to all of the skateboarders.  
Another very popular type of social networking is Craigslist.  We also have eBay, but Craigslist seems to be more popular because there is no charge to the people, but a place where you can sell your household items, school books, or anything else you might need to sell to the public in your general vicinity.  Even the dating industry can be advertised through Craigslist.
Dating online has risen.  There are a few problems with dating online.  A movie was made about the Craigslist Killer which was a warning to all people to be more careful about who they write to and allow on their facebook or who they email.  Everyone must remember there are always preditors out in the world.  Facebook, Craigslist, etc. is no different. The dating industry has become a $1.8 billion dollar industry.  I personally don't find this industry attractive, but many people do.  It is becoming more popuar with the statistics reporting most online relationships don't last as long as the per say old fashioned way of dating.
Social Technology
YouTube is also a recent social phenomena.  It has given the Millenium generation the name as the "Look At Me Generation".  There are so any YouTube videos it would be impossible to watch all of them.  YouTube has brought about a new way of teaching and learning on the internet.  People have become famous from posting their own video.  Justin Bieber became famous from his YouTube post  It has given many people opportunities to be known for their talents.  Personally I can get on youtube to learn how to do a variety of things from putting on my make-up correctly to watching how to make a balloon animal by a professional balloon artist.  
I have a skateboarding video on youtube where I was dropping in on a skateboard that has 12 wheels and your feet are strapped in.  I dropped down a quarter pipe which is a large plank into a foam pit.  You are supposed to be able to do or try tricks before landing into the foam pit.  Well, I didn't make it into the foam pit and crashed ending up with a concussion.  Luckily we were filming this so we could put it on Youtube.  I did notice you get a lot of hits if you label your video in a funny and different manner.  A name that will interest people.  We named mine "Chick gets knocked out going into foam pit".  Some think it is funny.  The link is http/  Youtube is very addictive and entertaining.  You can literally end up watching videos all day. 
Celebrities and Political figures are also using Twitter more and more.  Twitter goes straight to your phone also.  Celebs use this so people will follow them around.  Sports teams take advantage of Twitter also as it increases their popularity.  Most people think that it is them tweeting, but it is probably their publicists.
The Social Technology used in the schools today are impressive.  Children can be tutored, students can get their assignments online, and you can even get your degree online like in our class blog online. Blogger is a personal journal published on the world wide web.  As of February 16, 2011, there were over 156 million public blogs in existence.
Before technology, writing a letter took special effort.  You write the letter, address an envelope, take it to the post office, buy a $.50 stamp, mail it, and then get into your car and drive home.  It took at least an hour for me to write to a friend using this process.  Now using the internet it goes straight to our phone.  There is no waiting really.  I don't know what I would do without technology anymore.  We rely on it more than any other way of communication today.  I can "I Chat" with my friends and family over "Skype".  This way I can see them as well as talk to them at the same time.  I can message them from far away and they will receive my information in seconds.  All of the apps for my phone from mapquest to Angry Birds game keep me busy and provide me with all of the tools I need to communicate with my family, friends, school, and business.  I use my phone to do my bills and check my email, look at my Facebook, listen to music, google, watch movies, take pictures, remind me to get my homework done and even supplies me with a flashlight.  Another great extension from the internet.  It is the main thng I use to communicate.
The amount of time spent communicationg online is hard to add up.  I can only say I spend hours using this wonderful tool.  The amount of time spent on the world wide web is the majority of the time I spend in overall use.  On page 63, the Pew Research did a survey on "How Millinnial Are You"?  I found there is more information about what makes the Millennial generation on page 60.  They claim we, the millennial generation, uses technology the most of all generations.  I agree because we use it to our advantage daily.  It is so much easier to get informtion from google than to get it from a book.  After all, you can read books on the internet also.  
At work I use the internet to communicate with all of the customers.  I have created a their webpage and report the specials and news worthy information to all of our customers.  Since we started a webpage, customers can now click in to find out the information they are looking for and the sales are going up, up, up.  Profits are also going up, up, up.
Recently Facebook has created some opportunities for businesses and others such as non profit groups etc.  They have started to charge fees for some personal advertising.  This is relatively new and we have to wait to find out if this will make a difference in the popularity or not.  Will the site be more successful or less because of the new way of business.
Relying on technology to socialize and do business is a necessity today.  If we had a major breakdown with our technology, our life would come to a standstill.  At least for a very scary period of time.  The money in the banks would be at a halt.  Walmart as most stores and corporations would have to use another system to sell their products.  We would be in withdrawal from not being able to use our "I phones" and people would actually have to talk to each other face to face.  It would slow down our lives considerably.  The world would be put on hold and hopefully no one would be able to hack into anything dangerous.  
I can only imagine the future with social networking through technology.  It has changed our generation so much in such a short period of time.  I do have compassion for the older generation that is trying to keep up with this new experience.  But I salute the older generation for keeping up.  Watching my grandfather of 90 years use a cell phone or computer says everything about the human experience with technology.  Just wait to see what it is going to be like in 25 years.  Even 10 years is going to be a mind blowing experience.  It's crazy how fast it changes.  
It is very important to keep up with technology.  If you don't embrace it, you will be lost.  It is becoming a very important teaching and learning skill in our society.  Without it, our fast paced life would still be like an old western; taking 3 days to receive a letter.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Gaze writing assignment

The Gaze 
Writing Assignment
Natalie Beech 
  The next ad is the Gucci Guilty ad. This ad I see a man holding a woman the way every woman would want to be held. The text says, “Gucci Guilty.” To me this is saying that she is guilty for wearing Gucci and is proud of it. Because she has ha sexy man who will not stay off of her. I like this ad. I can relate to it, it catches my eye and it makes sense. 
  Another picture I see I really don't like it. It is the Euphoria Calvin Klein ad. I think that this ad doesn't relate or describe any part of the product. She is very pretty but as a possible consumer I see this and it boars me. I don’t know what it is about and I don't have time to figure it out. I want an ad that gets my attention and explains the product short and sweet and relates to me. My life is to busy to google “Euphoria.”Just like in the Gaze essay it says you need to relate.
  Lastly the picture of the Reebok ad. In this picture there is a a photo of 1/2 a naked woman's body with shoes hiding her pelvic area. I think if she was to turn around instead of facing forward the ad would have made more sense. Because Shoes are for exercise and woman want to keep their butt in shape, I think that just by having her face a different way it would have made more sense. In this ad it says, “ Sexy starts with the sole” I think that this pic is sexy but so are a lot of other photos that are sexy that would have benefited this ad better. It doesn't make sense to me on this one. It seems like they had a lot of good ideas but just couldn't connect them all together in the same ad.
  It is actually fun critiquing ads. It is interesting how so many little things in the photo make different ideas about the ad. I think the best ad is {like I said in paragraph two}
are the ads that are short, relatable, and an eye catcher.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Reading the Gaze Responce

Reading the glaze

This essay is basically reinforcing boogers essay in ways, by comparing the viewed as being “owned”. He differs in that he is stating that the models looking at the “veiwer” are making a contact or “relationship” with the viewer and also making a demand. he then goes on to describe the different kinds of demands that can be made with different gestures.  The euphoria adds model is looking at the viewer I see her as an individual because she is making eye contact. It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. I have to kind of agree with this statement. I think that eyes say a lot and to look some one directly in the eyes says a lot about a person….It says different things in different cultures, but it still says a lot. I think that the kind of “relationship” that the model is trying to establish is “you want to be like me….and smell like me, cause I’m desirable”.  The model in Gucci is similar except I think she is saying “you want to smell like me cause this boy toy can’t keep his hands off me”  The Reeboks add is very impersonal and is a type instead of an individual.  I say this because the “legs” are anonymous. The viewer is supposed to want the legs to be there legs and so they need these shoes to get before they can have them.  Im not sure what to say about the got milk. It’s just weird and kinda creepy.  The dude has a bandade on his face, and a pair of ladies stalkings on his head???  And some really large obnoxious jewelry and his chest is a billboard for milk. It’s just creepy.  I think they are aiming for the model to be an individual, but I’m just thinking he is creepy and not someone I want to look at or make eye contact with….because he is awkward and creepy.

Natalie Beech
Reading the Glaze Response
English 1101  
I choose Kelly’s because it was the first one done. I think it is interesting  how she says that they are trying to make the models individual, but Kelly thinks that they are creepy! That is funny. It is obvious that in the woman ads they tend to be more sexual. They usually have drop dead gorgeous woman in the ads just os you can say I want to look like her and smell like her. I think Kelly says that in her essay by saying, “The model in Gucci is similar except I think she is saying “you want to smell like me cause this boy toy can’t keep his hands off me.” 
  Another part of Kelly’s essay that I 100% agree with is how she says, “. It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. I have to kind of agree with this statement. I think that eyes say a lot and to look some one directly in the eyes says a lot about a person….It says different things in different cultures, but it still says a lot.” The ads that catch the majorities of the buyers eye. You have to do an ad that is catchy but relatable.

Visual essay rewriting the image

Natalie Beech
English 1101
The Gaze
  Genders rolls in advertisement is very important.  It is important to catch as many readers/ viewers attention but still be able to relate themselves with the product. When I think of an underwear model ad I think of Ashton Kutcher. His body makes you think that the under wear is sexy and he is idolized by his sense of hummer and acting so people want to buy the name brand underwear he wears to look like and to be like him. I posted a photo of Ashton. In this essay I see Ashton who is ripped with a eight pac and who is looking away from the camera.  Reading the Gaze writing it says, “the person in the image is looking at or away form the camera it gives you as the viewer to be imaginary and invisible.” This essay says when the model is not looking directly into the camera the subject is viewed as if the viewer has entered into some kind of imaginary relation with him or her. I think this ad goes along with Leppert’s essay more because the ad is of a man.  In Berger’s essay he say that the majority of viewers are men and the woman are the models. He says, “men act and woman appear.” 
  When I think of a woman's advertisement I think of Herbal Essences photos. Because I was surprised by there ads. The ad is a woman in the shower putting on shampoo and moaning. Every guys dream! But, is that a woman's dream? No. I would say. I buy the product because of the smell. I posted a pic of an Herbal Essence ad below. The spectator of this image would be more of Berger’s ideas and Leppert’s  Because it is looked at by man and woman but I would imagine the spectator would be man.

Female Nude Responce

Richard Leppert- Exploratory
The Female Nude: Surfaces of Desire
            Leppert uses a lot of good points in his argument over Berger’s so called “thesis”.  While Leppert does make good points, he at the same time doesn’t make them at all, this I will explain later.  There is a lot of back and forth between different writers and makes points by using others explanations.
            Now for me I can agree with Leppert on some points in his writing because I feel that Berger’s didn’t look at the whole picture, but merely at a time in history in which female paintings where very big.  We can look back at history and see that during the Greek and roman time’s men and women were both equal when it came to art.  This being a good point made by Leppert, but then he goes off on to little tangents instead of focusing on the main points of Berger’s “thesis”. 
            While Lebbert does go off on tangents, he comes back to the point in the end in a strong point I think.  What if women do the paintings and the paintings are of men or women?  What if women look at the paintings that were supposed to be made for “men” only?  Can the women do this?  I believe that this in itself is a very important part of the argument because it’s all very true.  Women can look at the paintings; they themselves are artist, so this makes it a whole new ball game.  I mean if we look at a painting in the renaissance from what Berger’s is saying then we are to be the owner she is to look at us and be looking directly at us, possibly in a way that we can fantasies.  Well are women going to look at a woman and do that? That’s up to the person and the same with the man, everyone is their own person and regardless of what side of the painting they are on they are going to look at it in the way that they want to and interpret it as such, similar to Lepperts main point.

Natalie Beech
English 1101 
The female nude: surfaces of Desire responce  
 I once again choose Jeffs essay because he under stood the essay. In his essay he talks about the roman times how men and women we both equal when it came to art. In his essay he says Leppert went off subject often and away from Berger’s thesis. I also agree how he says, “What if women do the paintings and the paintings are of men or women?  What if women look at the paintings that were supposed to be made for “men” only?  Can the women do this?  I believe that this in itself is a very important part of the argument because it’s all very true.  Women can look at the paintings; they themselves are artist, so this makes it a whole new ball game.” This makes a very good point for Leppert’s essay.  
  I like how he showed both opinions about the female nude surfaces of desire. I think he focused more on Leppert’s opinion.  I think that when he says we look at a painting in the renaissance from what Berger’s is saying then we are to be the owner she is to look at us and be looking directly at us, possibly in a way that we can fantasies. I think that this is true. The picture with the fur is a perfect example of this. 

Lepperts essay

Leppert’s essay
Natalie Beech
  In Richard Leppert’s review he calls Berger’s thesis about, “the painted nude and spectatorship.” Leppert’s says in his essay that Berger ignored an important part of the essay he said,” He ignored any specific investigation of the function of the nude ( the why question) or of the act of spectatorship (the “who’s looking “ question). This is Berger’s main thesis. Leppert says Berger’s essay is about the painted nude not naked and how the spectator looks at it. Lepert also says that the spectator is who looks at you. Leppert views it as the specters eye.  The model wants you to look at he/she.  This whole essay is not factual I think that the writings depend on who the spectator is. Leppert says that not every art is a woman. There are probably now an equal part of woman and men. He also says that in clarks book Clark defines nudes in terms of beauty. 
  Berger does it interns of politics and power. Berger’s essay is about the painted nude not naked and specifically the men that look at it.  Berger’s men act, woman appear. I think Bergers whole writing is sexist. This essay is over thought. It seems that they are debating something that is already obvious. Berger’s says that in the painting woman are looked as a nude not naked meaning nude as a art form and naked as having no clothes on. In one of the painting in Berger’s essay he shows a woman nude looking away form the man or in the other direction. Rarely the woman attention is directed toward the man. She offend looks away from him or she looks out of the picture towards the one who considers himself her true lover- the spectator-owner.  In Bergers essay he says the men that look at this or requested for  a nude painting of there woman is possessive, has authority which gives him privilege. This fact is weird because men obviously look at nude or naked woman for pleasure. I don't know a man who has a naked picture of a woman on his wall of his house and calls it art. It is more often in a magazine.  
  All in all I agree more with Leppert’s point because he seems to be more open that a woman and a man can be in a nude photo. It is interesting reading this selection.

Berger's writing responce

Natalie Beech
english 1101

John Berger- Exploratory Writing
Ways of Seeing Exploratory
            This difference between men and women through paintings is very interesting.  You have the idea of being naked, and also the idea of being nude. There is the explanation through religion of how it came to be naked instead of nude and then you have more modern approach of how it became the difference of naked a nude.  In the next little bit I will try and explain this for you and possibly make you think more about how we look at women.
            Berger’s makes a very big point that women don’t see themselves the same as men, this being that men look out and are capable of doing something for you regardless of the fact that he might not be able to.  On the other had women are constantly looking at themselves always thinking about their own image as Berger’s says “Whilst she is walking across a room or whilst she is weeping at the death of her father, she can scarcely avoid envisaging herself walking or weeping.” Berger then goes on to explain how art is being seen by women and what it actually says instead of just some naked/nude women on the wall.
            This brings Berger to the point that “men act and women appear.”  This means that “Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at.”(Berger) Now when Berger tries to tell you what is being looked at in the paintings the first idea would be that it is a naked woman laying there and in today’s society you would think that it is possibly sexual.  Well that would be partially correct but there is more to the painting than just that, one being that there is a difference in the paintings, if the women is looking at you she is nude-thus being an art form looking out into the eyes of the artist or the owner.  Then there is the paintings in which she is looking away at something else, thus she is being naked-not looking at the owner or artist and cannot be perceived as such.

  I choose to wright a review on Jeff's Berger’s writing. I think that Jeff did a great job explaining the difference between nude and naked. He also said something that I really think is great. He said, “Throughout this explanation of the Ways of Seeing Berger makes many points of the differences of art, women, and also men.  He uses a lot of pictures to explain what he is referring to, and makes valid points by doing so.  In all Berger makes one look at women not as a painting but as an art form, a person, and a gender not to be looked at as just an item.
  In theses pictures i like how they used the explanation of cupid, and of a woman looking into a mirror meaning that she is vain and you could name the painting “vanity.”  
  I think that it is so old school how in Jeff’s essay how he quotes  Bergar’s essay about  “men act and women appear.” This reminds me of the 3 monkeys see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil. I think that this is how woman were looked at back in the day. I am so happy about woman rights now.

  Throughout this explanation of the Ways of Seeing Berger makes many points of the differences of art, women, and also men.  He uses a lot of pictures to explain what he is referring to, and makes valid points by doing so.  In all Berger makes one look at women not as a painting but as an art form, a person, and a gender not to be looked at as just an item.

Berger exploratory writing

Natalie Beech
English 1101 
John Berger
  I understand the painting completely different now that I know a lot more about the details. I would have to say when I look at these pictures I see a woman naked. My first response to this is I felt awkward. I know that the human body is beautiful but I don't see it often enough on paintings, so it throws me off. After reading Berger’s writing I look at other things in the photo. He explains the difference between being “naked” and “nude.” In Berger’s writing he states, “ In the European tradition In the book The Nude Kenneth Clark maintains that to be naked is simply to be without clothes, where the nude is an art form. I think this quote explains the meaning of this essay. 
  Berger goes on and says how in one of the pictures explains why a mirror is in the painting. He says, “the real function of the mirror was to make the woman connive in treating herself as, first and foremost , a sight.”  When you put a mirror in front of the nude woman and she is holding that mirror, you can call the painting, “Vanity.” I understand the painting completely different now that I know a lot more about the details of the paintings.
  In Berger’s writing he says that the social presence of a woman is different than of a man. I think that this is just human nature.  Men’s presence is looked to be  powerful, physical, economic, social, and sexual.  And a woman's presence is manifest in her gestures, voice, opinion, clothes, and her chosen surroundings. I honestly don’t know why woman's presence is so detailed. I think that woman are so use to the man being the bread winner, the protector, and the MAN that it is just known to be this way. Woman now are stronger than ever. We have climbed the equal rights ladder fast. We are just as equal to man as men are to woman. the only thing that men have on most of us is they are stronger and have a protective attitude. Woman seem to be weaker than men ( with muscle). But I do admit this I look to my husband to protect me. So I do think that this is just human nature. Men are stronger and protectors. Woman are looked at with more detail.  

Monday, March 12, 2012

My family responce


Jeff J. Beck
English 1101
Family Picture Essay
My Brothers & Sisters
            For me this comes as a hardship to describe my family, it saddens me, makes me happy, and brings back a past that will always be present.  My family isn’t your typical family, I was adopted from birth and I don’t stay in contact with most of my family that raised me, them being in the Bahamas on a sail boat.  Instead I will tell you about my family that has taken me to hell and back, through the valley of the shadow of death, and back to our wonderful country.
            We stand around waiting for the morning muster, everyone talking laugh, being vulgar, poking fun at each other, then ATTENTION ON DECK!  Everyone snaps to attention and we get our daily duties assigned to us, most of the petty officers are asked to stay behind to get further instruction while the E-3 and below head off to work. Same thing different day, this needs maintenance, evals are coming up, and personal inspections will be tomorrow be ready.  This is our daily routine while we are in Iraq.  Always waiting, wondering, when will it happen when will we become part of the war!
            I stand in front of my men, their eyes locked on me, waiting for my next command.  This is it, we have a bomb, “men we have marines pinned down by mortar fire, they are taking heavy casualties, we need 6 GBU-24’s ready in 30 min max!” They don’t waist a second we are off getting everything ready, my men have been waiting for this, they have sweat, bleed, and trained, we are tired it’s been a 16 hour shift so far and now I’m asking them to do something that should take at least 2 hours in 30min. 
            Now we stand in front of the gun boss, our comrades, and our family everyone cheering us on.  What an amazing job we did, we saved a lot of marine’s lives on the ground.  The 5th Fleet Admiral is here to personally thank us, to give us medals, and have a picture taken with us.  We all get together the whole division (G-3 my family) and here we are now heroes.  My family takes us through the rest of our deployment with only the loss of 2 brothers, and a couple of brothers wounded.  This is our family, our tradition IYAOYAS!  HONOR COURAGE COMMITMENT!
This is dedicated to those in G-3 division World Combat Cruise 2005
Special dedication goes out to AOAN Guthrie, AOAA Shavers, AO1 Lyons, AO3 Grisset, AOAN Tyler for their impressive dedication to the bomb build evolution.
RIP John, RIP Mike this is for you my brothers you deserve these medals not us……..
Sorry no picture I don’t have a copy that isn’t framed I will bring to class on thursday


Natalie Beech 
English 1101
Family photo revision
  I choose Jeffs photo to respond to because I like how he describes his family as his family as the division G-3. He makes a very good point family doesn't have to be blood. Family is anyone who loves you for who you are. And family is someone who is always there for you through thick and thin. My mother was also adopted and I look at her family as more of an acquaintance rather than family. Her mother put her through hell. She had a terrible child hood moving and running from her mothers boyfriends. My grandma was an alcoholic she was a hard woman who only cared for her self. My mother finally met her husband and he became her foundation for her family. I know my moms friend more than her family. We call him our uncle. He is always there for my and we all love him so much.
  I enjoyed the photo Jeff used and brought in. You can tell he loves his family and has a lot of support with them. I also really like his opening paragraph it reality is deep and he makes you fell apart of the essay. Its also nice how he dedicated it to his family in the G-3 unit.


Natalie Beech
Family from a photo
English 1101
  I used this picture because skateboarding is a huge part of our life. Me and my husband have been together since 9th grade. We have always been involved in skate boarding. My husband is a amateur skateboarder. I have always filmed him since Jr. High. We feel that skateboarding has been a foundation for our family. We got married at 19 right out of high school, I married my best friend. We have had two kids since than and they are involved in skateboarding more than ever. Our 8 year old has learned how to drop in the half pipe at age 4. He has progressed a lot since then. He has took 1st in national competition for ages 6 to 8. Our 4 year old is starting to get involved also. He pumps around by him self and rides the ramps. Soon he will drop in on the half pipe also. 
  We are involved in the community of skateboarding we have thrown local skateboarding competitions, camps, and demos. Recently we put on a fundraiser for a local skateboarder who passed away from a car wreck.  We raised money for the family and for a new skateboarding ledge with a plaque of remembrance for Brock on it at the local Pocatello skate park located at Ross Park.
  Our family is very busy. But being athletic is very important to us. In the 3rd picture there is a group of little boys these are my kids with there cousins. We have involved them in skateboarding also. They look up to my husband.  Family is a very important to us. We believe in spending time with our kids, having date night as a couple and with our kids once a week. I am very proud of my family. They are my life. I want to make a great life for them they deserve it. And in my opinion It starts at home.