Fishy exploratory response
Natalie Beech
I chose Kellys blog again because I agree with her for the most part. I agree that collage is a future investment but also an opportunity of learning. If I could start my own business I would. I would take a few classes but not four years of collage. Im sure that the extent of all my classes gives me a taste of different experiences that I could use throughout my life. but at the same time some of my classes I believe like Acad is very stupid and i could do it on my own in one day. But society expects a degree to be hired. So therefor we have to do it if we want a job we enjoy. I like how Kelly says she is happy to work on a farm and can live day by day. It is true there is so many things people have and they trade it for work. I also would rather work and be comfortable and still have time for the things I like and enjoy. I also like how she put links in because it always make the paper interesting and more visual. Which I learn better when there is a visual aid.
Fish states that the “view of value and the good life has a definite appeal”. I think this appeal amounts to a hill of beans. It is saying that if you invest in an education than you will get a good job and if you get that good job, THEN you should start paying back on the investment. And you want the good job and more money because you will have more “things”. Since I have started college I have been a very unhappy individual. The more people strive for the “good life” or to succeed, the more they feel like their Freaking head is going to blow off. I actually had a discussion with my friends over dinner this weekend about this very subject. Most of my friends are very successful and work very hard to succeed. All of them feel like they are a time bomb about to explode. The pressure in my opinion is not worth all the “stuff”. I was much happier when I was working on ranches making just enough to live on. My life was not complicated, I enjoyed all the best things that are free and I had virtually no stress. Life was good. I’m not saying work is bad or success, but at what price? We think we need all these things and that “civilization” is so great, but is it really? My friend sent me a video clip of Mike Rowe from dirty jobs. In this clip he states that people with these jobs that other people might view as horrifying or lowly are the happiest people he’s met. So if it wasn’t for the fact that I really wanted a degree in rangeland management so I can do what I want in life and not what is successful, There is absolutely no way in hell I would go to college.
lymasean reblogged this from sobemurky and added:
points made about not needing...big figure income to be happy
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