Sunday, March 4, 2012

David Sardias

english 1101

  In David Sedaris essay, “Giant Dreams, Midget Abilities.” he talks about three generations and how they came together through music. David’s dad loved music and always tried to involve David and his siblings. Davids dad tried to influence his children to love jazz by only playing jazz music in the house. As a child Davids dad wasn’t allowed to listen to jazz in the house. He was forced into listening to Greek music. So when davids dad played his jazz music, it was not only because he loved it, but I think it was out of spite. 
 Davids dad was set in his ways and was trying to get his kids to become what he desired to be himself. Inspired from his own misfortunes he provided the kids with opportunities he didn't have as a child due to growing up underprivileged with Greek immigrant parents. Having an ear for music he aspired and assumed that the children would naturally inherit this skill. 
Natalie Beech

  I found it ironic that the same thing he loathed about his parents as a child is exactly what he did to his own kids.  Now David’s dad is doing this to the kids only playing jazz music in the house. Davids dad decided to buy instruments and lessons for David and his siblings. Davids dad hired a music teacher who worked at a local music store for davids gaiter lessons. Davids dad was very excited to get the family together to play in a band. He thought this was a brilliant idea. He just assumed everyone would be right on board with him. Secretly, the kids were not excited and just wanted to please there father. So Davids father took him to the music store for his first lesson. 
  The teacher was a midget named Mr. Mancini. He was a guy who was just like Davids dad.  Mister Mancini thought anyone could play the gaiter. I thought that Mr. Mancini made lots of sexual references during the lessons.  It seemed to surprise David. He said it made him think of things that he didn't want to, like the sex of his guttier. David seemed pretty innocent coming into the class. He was at such a young age trying to understand his own sexuality ,homosexual. Than his gaiters sexuality. 
  There are a few things in the story that led me to my assumption of David being homosexual. First was how he petitioned for a brand name vacuum cleaner.  How he commented about the flute, how he named his guitar “Oliver”, a guys name not a girls, and how he admitted not noticing anyone’s breast lately. I think guys notice that stuff every day. I  especially thought David being homosexual  when Mr. Mancini said ‘’I don't swing that way”. 
 One night David saw Mr. Mancini at the mall. David related himself to Mister Mancini because he saw how much of a wee outsider and a miss fit Mister Mancici was. People were being mean to him telling him to go back to Oz and looking at Mister Mancici weird. David says, “We were each a man trapped inside of a boys body. Each of us was talented in his own way. And the fact how they both hated 12 year old boys”.  I think this experience helped David noticed how his personality made him the man he is. That he shouldn’t change just because some stuck up bad mannered bully.s pick on him or Mister Mancini.  It helped him realize he should be who he is.  
  David kept going to lessons and finally told Mister Mancini that he wasn't enjoying lessons and insisted wanted to wright jingles. He finally came out who he was and Mister Mancini just shot him down and said he not interested he didn’t want any part of jingles he is a gaiter teacher. This part of the story made me mad because Mister Mancici was made fun of at the mall and here is little David pounding his heart out and all Mister Mancici does is be mean about it and looking at his jingles as a stupid idea. That right there is being a bully. So after David pours his heart  out he decides to inform his father he will not be retiring to gaiter lessons again.
  I told the generational differences n this story by its  electronics. Davids dad would rather listen to the radio than watch T.V.  But I’m sure that is a step up with Davids dad because when he was little they just listened to the record player.  Also it was interesting when David noticed how his personality made him the man he is today. I enjoyed how it all came together through music. 
  I thinks its interesting how one subject or intreats can bring a different generation together. And the same subject or intreats separates them. At the end of Davids essay David and his siblings all go sit in with the mother and watch T.V. instead of listen music. I think that says a lot about the generational gap. They were tired of pleasing there father and finally just said whatever and did there own thing and how it separated them also. Helped David become the man he is today.

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