Monday, March 12, 2012

My family responce


Jeff J. Beck
English 1101
Family Picture Essay
My Brothers & Sisters
            For me this comes as a hardship to describe my family, it saddens me, makes me happy, and brings back a past that will always be present.  My family isn’t your typical family, I was adopted from birth and I don’t stay in contact with most of my family that raised me, them being in the Bahamas on a sail boat.  Instead I will tell you about my family that has taken me to hell and back, through the valley of the shadow of death, and back to our wonderful country.
            We stand around waiting for the morning muster, everyone talking laugh, being vulgar, poking fun at each other, then ATTENTION ON DECK!  Everyone snaps to attention and we get our daily duties assigned to us, most of the petty officers are asked to stay behind to get further instruction while the E-3 and below head off to work. Same thing different day, this needs maintenance, evals are coming up, and personal inspections will be tomorrow be ready.  This is our daily routine while we are in Iraq.  Always waiting, wondering, when will it happen when will we become part of the war!
            I stand in front of my men, their eyes locked on me, waiting for my next command.  This is it, we have a bomb, “men we have marines pinned down by mortar fire, they are taking heavy casualties, we need 6 GBU-24’s ready in 30 min max!” They don’t waist a second we are off getting everything ready, my men have been waiting for this, they have sweat, bleed, and trained, we are tired it’s been a 16 hour shift so far and now I’m asking them to do something that should take at least 2 hours in 30min. 
            Now we stand in front of the gun boss, our comrades, and our family everyone cheering us on.  What an amazing job we did, we saved a lot of marine’s lives on the ground.  The 5th Fleet Admiral is here to personally thank us, to give us medals, and have a picture taken with us.  We all get together the whole division (G-3 my family) and here we are now heroes.  My family takes us through the rest of our deployment with only the loss of 2 brothers, and a couple of brothers wounded.  This is our family, our tradition IYAOYAS!  HONOR COURAGE COMMITMENT!
This is dedicated to those in G-3 division World Combat Cruise 2005
Special dedication goes out to AOAN Guthrie, AOAA Shavers, AO1 Lyons, AO3 Grisset, AOAN Tyler for their impressive dedication to the bomb build evolution.
RIP John, RIP Mike this is for you my brothers you deserve these medals not us……..
Sorry no picture I don’t have a copy that isn’t framed I will bring to class on thursday


Natalie Beech 
English 1101
Family photo revision
  I choose Jeffs photo to respond to because I like how he describes his family as his family as the division G-3. He makes a very good point family doesn't have to be blood. Family is anyone who loves you for who you are. And family is someone who is always there for you through thick and thin. My mother was also adopted and I look at her family as more of an acquaintance rather than family. Her mother put her through hell. She had a terrible child hood moving and running from her mothers boyfriends. My grandma was an alcoholic she was a hard woman who only cared for her self. My mother finally met her husband and he became her foundation for her family. I know my moms friend more than her family. We call him our uncle. He is always there for my and we all love him so much.
  I enjoyed the photo Jeff used and brought in. You can tell he loves his family and has a lot of support with them. I also really like his opening paragraph it reality is deep and he makes you fell apart of the essay. Its also nice how he dedicated it to his family in the G-3 unit.

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