Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Social net work calls him an asshole makes him a billionaire

The Social Network  Roger Ebert 
Natalie Beech 
English 1101  
  In Roger Ebert review of the “Social Network” movie he says,” the Social Network move is a great film not because of its dazzling style or visual cleverness, but because of it splendidly well-made. Despite the baffling complications of computer programming, web strategy and big finance” earlier in the review Roger says it is said to be impossible to make a movie about a writer, because how can you show him only writing? It must also be impossible to make above about a computer programmer because what is programming but writing in a language few people int the audience know? I never thought of this before. But it is true. Writing a movie based on a person who is writing a story you would have to go into the story not the writer. I think that the move Social Network did a great job going in detail about the computer programmer. I enjoyed the movie myself. 
  Having big names also helped the movie like, Justin Temverlake and a Victoria secret model and more. It makes me think of the charters from the movie when I’m on Facebook I don't think that I even know what the real Mark Zuckerber looks like. 
 In Rogers review I like how he explains himself going in to the movie and pre judging the fact that it is known to be impossible for a movie to have good reviews  when it is based on a computer programer. But than at the end of the review he  enjoyed it and he gave a good review.  You can tell why Roger Ebert is good at reviewing movies because of the way he allowed the movie to change his mind. He wasn't stubborn and set in his ways saying it is bad just because of the well know fact that it wouldn't be good because of what it was based on. He actually let the move take charge of his own opinion. 

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